About Us

With over a decade of rich experience and unwavering passion, nexFusion is dedicated to providing comprehensive cloud services and IT related Generative AI solutions tailored for Taiwanese businesses.

Whether you need reliable cloud services or are exploring the potential of generative AI for your business, nexFusion is your trusted partner.

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Fusion noun


Fusion music is when composers or performers blend two or more styles of music together to create a new piece of music.

-B.B.C Bitesize


Our mission at nexFusion is to provide innovative solutions to our customers by blending IT expertise with cutting-edge network technology. nexFusion is committed to helping our customers to increase productivity, streamline daily operations and significantly lower maintenance costs. nexFusion transforms technology into a driving force for our customers' success and make your business stand out in the digital era.

"But give me a chance to be the light
To guide you through and be your eyes"

"Follow Me," In flames, I, the Mask (2019)

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